There is only war

In the wastelands of the Old World, where the sound of battle never ceases and peace is but a distant memory, an epic conflict rages. Warhammer Online, the legendary MMO, immerses you in the heart of a world where every sword brandished, every spell cast, every battle cry resonates with the fury of eternal confrontation.

A Journey Through the Realms

A true warrior not only knows his enemies, he must also master the art of war. This site provides you with tactical strategies for each character class, whether you play as a powerful Chaos Sorcerer or an agile Elf Assassin.

Your War Forge

You’ll find valuable tips, detailed strategies, and tips for mastering every aspect of the game. Whether you’re a beginner looking to understand the basics or a veteran looking to improve, our guides are designed to help you maximize your gaming experience and dominate the battlefields

Learn the builds

Created by the most experienced PvP players

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Complete your build

With the talent calculator integrated into the site

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